Making new best friends since 2024.

Best friends need safe, cozy homes. Make yours one today.

The “Why” behind LuBo’s Legacy

The inspiration for starting Lubo’s Legacy dog rescue comes from the deep bond shared between our two beloved dogs, Luke and Bo, who passed away suddenly within the last year. Their unwavering loyalty, boundless compassion, and drive to provide safety for those around them left an indelible mark on the hearts of everyone who knew them. In their memory, we are committed to continuing their legacy by creating a pathway where every dog experiences the same love and security that Luke and Bo embodied. This rescue is a tribute to them, ensuring that their spirit lives on in the lives of countless other dogs in need.

Adoption of the Week!

Spencer (formerly known as RJ) was once used for breeding in Arkansas. At 3 years old he was surrendered to our partners, Remedy Road Rescue, and started his freedom ride to his new home in New Jersey. These are pictures of him saying goodbye to his foster mom and hello to his new life and new family! WELCOME HOME, Spencer! 💕

Our Latest Success Stories!

  • Spencer

    Recently Adopted!

    In partnership with Remedy Road Rescue, RJ was rescued from a breeder in AR and met his forever family this past weekend!

  • Sophie

    Recently Adopted!

    Sophie was surrendered at the age of 7 after her owner passed away. After many appltcations, it ook Sophie only a few days to find her FUREVER home!

  • Zoey

    Recently Adopted!

    Sweet little Zoey was rescued off the streets and flown internationally from Mexico. She has since been placed in her loving forever home!

  • Gypsy

    Recently Adopted!

    Gypsy was found in a construction site in Mexico and transported to the US. Her new mama showers her with love and has an outfit for every holiday!!